Content Is King
Jason Wood, Content Director, Blue Creative Group
By Kelly Blake
Content is being devoured these days in large quantities. There can never be enough good content and Jason Wood has been creating the words for many years now.
Jason has managed editorial teams, production departments, digital teams, and can alternate from writing a feature, to interviewing heads of industry, to line-editing a brochure, and then back to determining content strategies for clients. His deep experience includes positions as editor-in-chief, deputy editor, and managing editor with enthusiast media companies including Times Mirror Magazines, Time Inc., Bonnier Corp., and Active Interest Media.
But wait, there’s more! Jason integrates keywords and SEO strategies into his writing and understands storytelling across all platforms. He puts all these words together in his Connecticut home office where he lives with his wife and daughter, enjoying Long Island Sound and the New England seasons.
Jason, when did you realize that you wanted to be a writer?
Very early on, really. It was just something I decided I wanted to do. Having such a calling, it kind of undercuts you with everything else you try to do. There’s not much choice, I guess. But it’s okay, because once a piece gets going, it just flows. But until that happens…
What are your favorite topics to write about and why?
It may sound like I’m being diplomatic but the next topic is my new favorite. It has to be. You can’t sit in these meetings and do the fact finding without focusing on the challenges faced by the client sitting across from you. Sometimes I need to pivot and write a few varied topics in a single day or week (depending on length). To be honest that can be easier than similar topics over and over. But it’s all about finding that groove.
What advice would you give to a writer starting out in the world today?
Nail your fundamentals. Know your grammar. You can’t break the rules for effect if you don’t know you’re doing it. Don’t submit anything with typos if you can help it—it sounds obvious but you would be surprised. And most importantly, just write every day. When you introduce the work to your existing flow it just gets done, and your game will rise across the board.
Blue’s Lightning Round:
Peanut or plain M & M’s?
Peanut, always. I don’t have them around because they go much too quickly when I do.
Favorite writer?
I try to mix up what I read, from an occasional mystery or book of short stories, to the classics, nonfiction, magazine articles, biographies, even verse. I just read a twitter thread that was really engaging, turns out it was fiction, but there’s still a hint of truth in it, that question of whether it’s real or not that keeps you wondering. I learn something from everything I read, mostly not to just think your idea to death.
Dog or cat?
Neither. Or both? But none right now.
Writing in the morning or night?
Start early and go late, in the ideal world of productivity. But it’s 2020, so “ideal” has been on the back burner. Can’t beat an early start for getting a piece roughed out, but then you do your finish carpentry of editing later, hopefully with a little respite of other topics and tasks in between.
If you could have a yacht, what would you name it?
What a great question. Of course, as anyone would be who relies on inspiration for his livelihood, I’m superstitious. So I will keep the bad luck at bay, and keep the name she has already.