Elevating the Webinar
Useful, Effective Content Doesn’t Just Happen
By Kelly Blake
We’re hearing from more clients that they want to employ webinars as part of their communications strategy. And heck, our team has attended some extremely engaging and beneficial webinars ranging from NCAA marketing compliance guidelines, to banking unbanked populations in developing nations, to driving shopper engagement in the brick and mortar environment. Yet like any presentation platform, there are pitfalls and you can negate the effectiveness if they are not professionally produced and managed.
Enter the Blue Creative Group Produced Webinar.

Take a look at a recent webinar project for our client Gevo to learn about how professionally produced content is the ultimate communications tool.
A number of Blue Creative Group clients recognized that their webinars were a struggle to watch and hoped they could do more. What our producers found is that the content was there, it just needed a little help. This involved a process where we took the recording of the webinar, pulled out the awkward reminders for participants to mute their microphones, type their questions in the chat window, and eliminate distractions (“Whose dog is that barking in the background…?”). We then combined it with other relevant company content to create a compelling, finished piece that delivered all of the necessary information of the webinar as well as some more entertaining elements that you might expect to find in a live event.
“We’ve had a couple of clients come to terms with the reality that they are going to be doing more webinars, and less in-person interaction for the near future,” said Andy Hawk, BlueCG’s EVP of client strategy. “They also came to terms with the reality that webinars are boring, people aren’t really engaging with them, and most people are not actually getting the messaging they are supposed to out of the content.”
Anything worth doing to help your brand is worth doing well. But that doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel to do it. Webinars offer numerous engagement benefits that both educate and entertain. Everyone likes to learn new things and have a good time while they do, but besides that, here are five reasons why you may want to add a webinar or two to your arsenal of content:
- Solidify your authority or expertise in your category
- Engage with the audience
- Increase lead generation
- Educate or train audience or staff
- SEO: This level of engagement can help improve your ranking
The best part about a produced webinar? It eliminates the off-the-cuff element that we all used to think was charming but now, in hindsight, feels closer to “amateur hour.” Here are four good reasons to produce a webinar:
- Correct stumbles from the live presentation
- Offer supplemental materials that directly support the webinar content or audience questions
- Create content that can be easily shared
- Stay a step ahead of your competition
Check out our latest webinar work.
Let us know how we can help you!