Blue Creative Group’s David Pollard explains the process of Tring’s new logo.
Tring’s story is a simple one and one that has been told before, but again, it’s personal to that brand and that is what keeps it fresh. Formerly VXP Radio Network (Voxpop USA prior to that), the old logo was carried over from its Mexican origins and retooled once it came to the States. Blue’s mission was to rebrand and reinvent the company into what it represents currently, and where it’s going, and in the process create a more modern approach with a bit of whimsy.
In the process of developing the name, Tring became a “thing.” We added it to our list at the very last minute and after several creative sessions with the Fresnel team, it was chosen to replace VXP. In our opinion, Tring works because it has a modern attitude and fits with the contemporary sensibility of having enough confidence in the brand to give it a non-sensical name and believe it will be understood. Plus, as an onomatopoeia, it gives something for customers to hold onto in their minds.
The design followed quickly after the name was decided. As a company that is based on the creation of a digital audio network, incorporating graphic elements to represent this seemed a natural component of the design process. For colors, the steely blue-gray is reminiscent of the visceral metal boxes that encase coveted new audio equipment. The gradated bars, which form the “i” recall glowing audio levels on a receiver, are colored orange, because it’s a perfect complement to the gray used elsewhere. Seen together, it has a multi-layered effect. Simultaneously, it has both a modern and confident feel in the sound of the word and the use of the typeface “DIN” allows it to feel bold and slightly historical. The color combination also allows the logo to feel modern and, at the same time, timeless.
If we have done our job right, the rebranding will encourage potential investors and customers to look beyond the cover and read the exciting new story of Tring.